December 14, 2018
we want to thank everyone who contributed to our CHRISTMAS IN NOVEMBER winter clothing drive. in edmonton alone, it’s estimated that 4,000 people are homeless. for those of you familiar with our climate, homelessness in alberta’s cold winters are cruel. in fact, we’ve been listed twice, in the last handful of years, as the SECOND COLDEST place on earth.
which is why this holiday season, it was important for the nvenn styling team to find a way to contribute to the community and keep people WARM. we ran a CLOTHING DRIVE throughout the month of october and november and were able to amass 2 SUVS FULL of jackets, mitts, scarves and more to donate to the boyle street community center. in a year’s time, the boyle street community center has about 12,000 people walking through their doors. on a day to day basis, they're feeding an average of 300-400 people.
at the end of november we thanked our community by celebrating their generosity with a HOLIDAY PARTY.
to kick off DECEMBER, the nvenn styling team packed up the donations and headed to the boyle street community center to host a CUT-A-THON and suit everyone up for the holidays. we gave 40 haircuts in under 2 hours!
it’s easy to underestimate the impact of a haircut, but it's actually very impactful to someone's well being. when you're worried about where you're going to sleep or get your next meal, the last thing you're thinking about is finding places to commit to personal hygiene. having the chance to have a haircut and to feel like yourself again is necessary for anyone’s PERSONAL WELL BEING.
remember: there is no shortage of people that NEED HELP and there is no shortage of people willing to GIVE help. anyone can make an impact in their community. we encourage each and every one of you to find a way to GIVE BACK to your community this holiday season 💘 if you need help in your world, DM us at @nvennhairbeauty or use the hashtag #carebeyondhair.
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September 10, 2020