April 03, 2017
today jessica is taking kim’s hair from a faded brassy brunette to beautiful ASH BLONDE HAIR. since kim hasn’t been in jessica’s chair since november, we’re going to address pre existing color to LIGHTEN the HAIR and balance accordingly for a PERFECT ASH BLONDE HAIR COLOR.
we’re keeping kim’s roots a natural color, so BACKCOMBING and CAREFUL PLACEMENT are going to be our best friends.
watch the video, read the blog, and tell us what you think in the comments :)
the front sections of kim’s hair were already BLONDE, so we’re leaving those two sections out of the equation. from there, we’re going to SECTION the hair according to the PART. this helps us MIRROR the COLOR EQUALLY on both sides of kim’s head without touching her roots, while keeping the color BALANCED on both sides.
start with 1 SECTION at a time. separate the hair HORIZONTALLY and begin BACKCOMBING the HAIR before laying it on the foil. the key to BEAUTIFULLY BLENDED COLOR LINES is BACKCOMBING so don’t forget this step!
now it’s time to LIGHTEN the HAIR. we painted the LIGHTENER on SOFTLY and extended it to the pre existing blonde. we can always lighten the pre existing blonde afterwards, but we don’t want to damage the hair by leaving the lightener on too long.
next we addressed the top of the hair. to create a natural transition, make sure you TURN your BRUSH VERTICALLY and paint on the line. we’re leaving about 3 inches of root, but we aren’t going to be uniform. by alternating from 3 inches to 2 ½ and so on, we’re eliminating the chance of harsh color lines.
#PROTIP: if you’re working with LONG HAIR, it’s a good idea to turn the hair over and make sure that the bleach is evenly saturating the entire piece of hair.
once you’ve finished your first section, you’ll need to repeat the process on all the quadrants of the head and allow it to process for 30 MINUTES. the process time will vary based on the desired result and the strength of the hair.
we mentioned beforehand that kim’s hair was BLONDE at the ends already and that we wanted to avoid having lightener on her ends for a long period of time. as we removed the foils, we painted lightener on the ends of kim’s hair to match the tones.
kim’s ends were still a little darker than the rest of the head. so what we’re going to do is TONE her HAIR to an 8.
we’re going to START on the ends because they’re the darkest and work our way up. you can apply the toner directly to the hair, so don’t worry about another foil process.
#PROTIP: when you’re LIFTING HAIR from BLACK or PREVIOUSLY COLORED HAIR, you want to make sure you toner can process for about 20 minutes and then EMULSIFY it with water to make sure the underpigment is pulled from the hair.
after we washed the toner our and roughly dried kim’s hair, it’s time to make sure we REVITALIZE & PROTECT her hair. to do so, we’re using nvenn’s REPLENISH OIL. simply warm the oil in your hands and MASSAGE it throughout the HAIR.
this lightweight HAIR MOISTURIZER features a luxurious blend of oils, extracts, and vitamins that SOFTEN, TAME FLYAWAYS, and ADD SHINE to the hair—immediately and over time. after applying to damp hair, blow dry to get hair that looks and feels healthy, shiny, smooth, silky, and conditioned.
this hair moisturizer for dry hair helps STRENGTHEN AGAINST BREAKAGE, detangles hair, and dramatically REDUCES FRIZZ. featuring moisture and shine infusers, the clear formula can be used on all types and colors of hair.
now that we’re ready to blowdry kim’s hair, it’s time to put on a layer of nvenn’s HEAT PROTECTANT ‘ PROTECT’.
full of organic sea kelp extract and pure essential oils, this rich elixir quickly REFRESHES HAIR without weighing it down. it provides a PROTECTIVE BARRIER, or heat shield, for preventing heat damage and split ends. use it to PREPARE and PRIME your hair for the best style everyday, and spray it on styled hair to reactivate products already in the hair.
#PROTIP: remember, you need to put on a new layer of HEAT PROTECTANT between EVERY layer of heat.
finally, it’s time to BLOWDRY the HAIR.
now you can see kim’s beautiful ASH BLONDE HAIR is complete.
let us know what you think in the comments & subscribe to our youtube channel to see more videos! <3
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September 10, 2020